Failure: The Option Media I was once in an engineering team meeting, where the snippet from the movie Apollo 13 was played.  The scene demonstrated that famous saying, failure is not an option. I have heard this many times since then, not in business, but on other television shows and competitive events.  The thing is, […]

Risk Management from Front and Back Recently I spoke at a Metrolina PMI Chapter on Risk Management. If we have been managing projects, we know that risk management is significant to ensuring project success. Risk management starts from the very beginning of the project, the scope, and our strategy selection will all impact the risks […]

To Learn, or Not to Learn- There is Really No Question. I have spent time in a variety of roles in product development, from engineer to manager and process manager.  In the latter, as project and process manager, even in early 2000, there were organization processes and structures in place to encourage and record learning […]

The Organization Organizations, or most successful organizations, are not static.  To remain an ongoing concern the organization will need to adapt to identified opportunities.  This will require growing the talent base, either organically, that is from within, or by finding talent external to the organization.  From an external perspective, how do we know the right […]

  Career Change Recently we had a question come to us about how a person transition from one industry or a specific job title to another industry or another area of the company that requires different skills from what we presently have.  Perhaps as a way to avoid becoming stale, we may want to explore […]

Wire harness development and testing Slow is painful by Jon M Quigley Vehicle Systems Vehicles have become increasingly electrical over the year, even vehicles that are not electric propulsion.  There are more features, more embedded controllers and greater communication between the electronic controllers.  The range of content is from power electronics, sensor data (analog signals), […]

By Jon M. Quigley I saw a LinkedIn post yesterday about the scope of testing during times of compressed schedule. The position was to test what is new in the software, and of that new, what is the most important, perhaps meaning what if it goes wrong, would be the worst for the client or […]

Independent Test and Verification We are composing a glossary of testing terms and we take one from that work today and discuss here.   We welcome any and all that would like to contribute. Today we discuss development and independent test and verification.  A development organization can be structured in many ways. The development and testing […]

Verification and Validation The definition for verification and validation can be found at[1]:   We must express some disagreement with the activities associated with the individual areas. For example, testing is not limited to Validation. Testing is also a function of verification as we will use these techniques to understand if the instantiation of the […]

Our risk exposure starts at the beginning of the project. Even before the project is actually a project.  The simple act of scoping a project in the initiating phase already alludes to the risks to which we may be exposed. For example, the minute we decide that our project scope is going to include software, […]