Advanced Product Quality Planning (from AIAG) (APQP / PPAP) provides the framework for the development and manufacturing of a product for a vehicle. The approach describes gathering customer input, developing the product; develop the process from which the product will be built at volume; validate the product and the processes; finally launch the product – production.


Voice of Customer/Requirements

The voice of the customer drives our product development endeavor. This is an understanding of the scope of the work and requirements are generated. The scope is refined to the level to which a strategy or approach to meet these customer demands can be identified and planned. This often entails the use of decision matrices (example: Pugh Matrix) and tools such as Quality Function Deployment (QFD).

Product Development

The product is iteratively and incrementally developed in the product development portion of the process. This consists of building models and prototypes of varying degrees of complexity and fidelity to the proposed final product. During each build, the product is explored, something is learned and alterations and refinements are made to the design. A tool known as the Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis (DFMEA) will help us to learn from the product as progress is made.

Process Development

In parallel with the development of the product comes the development of the processes that will ultimately produce the product at volume (Design for Manufacture and Assembly). This is often referred to as concurrent engineering. This shortens the product development cycle as well as limiting or greatly reducing rework. This work will entail setting up the manufacturing line, developing control plans, work instructions, poke yoke, DFMEA, process capability and much more.

Process/Product Validation

The validation of the product and the process helps ascertain the abilities of both the product and the manufacturing processes to meet the expectation or defined project and business goals. This phase includes trial production runs, run at rate runs, Measurement System Evaluation, Production Part Approval, and much more.


Quality management is the practices the organization employs to meet the customer quality expectation. There are techniques and tools used to deliver a cost effective quality product. This includes quality control, quality assurance, quality improvement, and quality planning. Product reliability is the quality of the product over time, and Total Quality Management is a comprehensive approach to continuous quality improvement.

APQP – Advance Product Quality Planning – an approach to automotive product development and manufacturing which includes tools and techniques in addition to processes for designing and manufacturing a quality product at automotive production volumes.

    1. https://www.aiag.org/
    2. https://www.sae.org/
    3. https://vda-qmc.de/en/software-processes/automotive-spice/
    4. https://www.assemblymag.com/
    5. https://www.ai-online.com/
    6. https://tmc.trucking.org/

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