Project Management

Project Management used to be add-on tasks; additional tasks to be done along with one’s job-title duties. Today, Project Management is a standalone job function with accountability, responsibilities, and many required skills. Consistent and Effective Project Management is critical for business growth.

Cost Management - Value Transformation

Supply Chain Management

Projects often require purchasing of material and expertise from another organization. This requires identifying needs, making plans for fulfilling that need and working through the acquisition process along with closing out the contracts at the conclusion of the project. All of these are necessary to some degree for any outsourced material or work that is conducted on behalf of the project.

Communication Management

Distributed project teams and increasing project complexities require strong communication both written and verbal skills. Experience suggests poor communication can make coordinating the effort to achieve the project objectives. Every other management area is connected with communications management and the measure of communications efficacy is also the degree of success of the project.

Integration Management

People are not fungible, that is they are not drop-in replacements for each other but are unique sets of talent and motivation. People conducts Projects, and as such the selection of the optimum talent and motivation improves the probability of project success. To do this an understanding of the skills and talent required for this unique project is necessary. The next step is the acquisition and development of the team; building upon the existing competency and moving a collection of individuals into a true team. Building requires understanding present performance (measurements), prioritization of what attributes matter for the project, and work to increase the team member’s ability regarding the attribute.

Scope Management

Scope Management is a subset of project management required to discover and articulate the reason for the project. This is integral to the project success, but since the project success is connected to the organization or business success, these two are inextricably linked.

Quality Management

Quality Management is a subset of project management associated with planning to project to deliver the expected level of quality from both the product and project. This area encompasses planning, quality assurance, and quality control actions throughout the project lifecycle.

Financial Management

Project financial management begins when with an understanding of the business case for the project. To be effective requires accurate estimates of requirements to bring the project to a successful conclusion. Budgets created, managed, and controlled; otherwise, the business case for the project would be ruined and become a loss for the company.

Time Management

Project Time Management is a subset of project management with identifying and describing the range of work that accomplished to achieve the project scope. From this estimate are developed for the project schedule as well as metrics for success of the individual work items and to set up ways in which the schedule will be controlled.

Risk Management

Risk Management is a subset of project management and is essential to optimizing the project toward success. Risk management is concerned with the probability and severity of events that will come to pass during our project and the measure of the ability to control these situations.

Intergration Management

Integration management consists of a set of processes that coordinates the work among the individual process areas, for example, reducing the scope to meet the financial objectives of the project. This balance is contained in project planning documents such as the charter, and how we intend to manage the project keeping this balance in mind.

Stakeholder Management

Projects involve people. All the people touched by a particular project are called Stakeholders. Examples of Stakeholders: the client, the company executives, the project team members, suppliers, and the end-users. Each Stakeholder has expectations, requirements, and visions for the project. The Project Manager has to manage each individual’s requirements as well as the group as a whole. Accurate Stakeholder Management is a critical step to Project Success.

A collection of management processes and knowledge areas that are employed by the project manager to deliver the expected results for the organization; scope, schedule, and cost. Project management is a collection of technical, management and soft skills.


Uncontrolled Scope

A brief discussion between Steve Lauck and Jon M Quigley on scope failures and subsequent consequences.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

This is a brief video demonstrating the use of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for a project. This video shows the use of a tool called WBS Planner. The WBS is the starting point of project management and helps identify all work required to meet the project scope, as well as facilitate in discovering the talents required for the project.

Risk Using A FMEA Approach

This video demonstrates the use of the Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) applied to risk management. The tool is downloadable in the download area.

Risk Management Class

This video describes an introduction to risk management class that Value Transformation offers.

Published on Jan 29, 2019

From tobacco picker to Fast Food Manager to Engineer and Project Management. Jon talks about his professional experience and his passion for project management. Take a listen to this 2018 Professional Development Summit speaker.

SAE Risk through the Product Development Cycle

The Sunday Lunch Project Manager – The Risky Guy

Beyond Buzzwords – Rethinking Collaboration in Software Development and Prioritization vs. Micromanagement – Finding the Right Balance – SPaMCAST 799 with Jon M. Quigley, MS PMP CTFL

Risk and Resilience at the UMD PM Symposium 

Project Management for Automotive Engineers, Jon M. Quigley

A discussion of our SAE Project Management book with Tom Cagley of SPaMCAST fame.

The Product Development Guy – Part 1–The-Product-Development-Guy-Part-1-epg1mb


Lab Testing vs. Real-World Testing: Understanding the Differences

Introduction We watch Air Disasters on The Smithsonian Channel. You should watch the program to understand the root cause analysis. It is not just about root cause analysis but also risks and how circumstances and events stack up to produce unwanted results. A recent episode I watched was about Atlantic Southeast Airlines Flight 2311, a […]

Mastering Project Risk Management

Understanding Risks In project management, “Russian Roulette Risks” perfectly encapsulates the high-stakes, unpredictable challenges project managers often face. In risk management, there lies a deceptive and often overlooked danger: the illusion of safety born from previous success. This fallacy can lead organizations and individuals to mistakenly believe that a course of action is low risk […]

Establishing a PMO – Beyond Dogmatic Approaches

Creating a PMO (Project Management Office) is often seen as a strategic endeavor to streamline organizational project management practices. However, adopting a dogmatic approach to this process can lead to rigidity and inefficiency. In this post, we explore why flexibility and adaptability are crucial in creating a PMO and outline the steps to set up […]

The Project Schedule – and Distraction

Not all schedule risks are equal. While we are playing with one set of conditions, another seemingly less important, may end up sinking the project schedule.

Emerging Risk – No Risk Register

Thinking about what can go wrong in the project and how to respond (risk register) is so that we know what to do when the event happens. From experience, the quickness of the response to an emerging event often reduces the risk impact on the project.  Ideally, we will have generated a list of the […]

Risk Management book now available for pre-order!

NEWS RELEASE                                                                                                                FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                              CONTACT: Jon M. Quigley PHONE: 336-963-0119 EMAIL:  Glen B. Alleman and Jon M. Quigley Announce the Release of Their New Book “Risk Management” The new book, set to be released on March 15 and now available for pre-order, will offer a context-driven framework for risk management.   LEXINGTON, […]

Unveiling the Metrics Behind Achievement

Unveiling the Metrics Behind Achievement Jon M Quigley In the dynamic landscape of project management, success hinges not only on effective planning and execution but also on accurately measuring progress (metrics) and outcomes. Project metrics serve as the compass guiding teams through the complexities of project delivery, offering valuable insights into performance, efficiency, and overall […]

Its been Five Weeks

A Song As I wrote this, I kept getting that song by Barenaked Ladies, One Week, going through my head. I have been working on the bassline for that song. My kid introduced the song to me some years back and just recently I thought about learning it. I’m very close. Estimating I have a […]

The Product Development Hike.

The Product Development Hike. You won’t read far in product development, where product road map analogy (or actuality) is brought up. Recently, I saw a tweet (is it still called tweet, or is it an X) from @CGLambdin. I wish I had captured the tweet for posting here, but I recall it was about the […]

Off Topic: Jimmy Buffett is Dead

I usually have little problem writing. I write multiple columns at technical and business magazines per month; I have a book or books in the queue at any given time. This has taken much longer than I had hoped, but for days, my mind raced. I ran through many Jimmy Buffett experiences and have never […]

2019 Carolina Collegiate Student Chapters


CMMI Tracking

Pugh Matrix

Expectations of Contractors & Engineers

How to Brainstorm

How to have better Meetings

Meeting Minutes

Project Estimation

Risk Analysis

Using Pareto Charts

Manufacturing Southeast X.0 Press release


SPaMCAST 477 – Silence: A Powerful Tool, Muddling Through, Monolithic Monolith

SPaMCAST 575 – Messing Up Agile Hybrids, Deming and Book Club, Essays and Discussions

SPaMCAST 479 – Mentor or Coach, TameFlow Chapter 21a, Employee Engagement

SPaMCAST 575 – Messing Up Agile Hybrids, Deming and Book Club, Essays and Discussions

SPaMCAST 552 – Fit For Value, Saying No, Essays and Discussions

SPaMCAST 479 – Mentor or Coach, TameFlow Chapter 21a, Employee Engagement

The Sunday Lunch Project Manager meets Jon M. Quigley, The Product Development Guy

Contact Value Transformation about Project Management