Recipes for Success and the Limits of Repeatability by: Jon M. Quigley Product development is often associated with processes. We would say that these processes are essentially product development recipes. Product development and the parallels to cooking are undeniable. Both require carefully crafted recipes, skilled cooks, and adaptability when conditions change. But just like high-altitude […]
Advice I want to start by saying I am not pushing off my career outcome due to others. I was the player in the outcome. I want to tell a story to help others choose better career strategies and make better decisions. Learn from my mistakes. I like corporate life, it has plenty of fun […]
Laminar and Turbulent Flow in Project Management: Navigating Organizational Tension We might believe our projects and the organization should always operate smoothly whether projects or operations, understanding organizational tension – and how to use to our advantage, is crucial for success. One effective way to conceptualize this tension is through the analogy of laminar and […]
Creating a PMO (Project Management Office) is often seen as a strategic endeavor to streamline organizational project management practices. However, adopting a dogmatic approach to this process can lead to rigidity and inefficiency. In this post, we explore why flexibility and adaptability are crucial in creating a PMO and outline the steps to set up […]
A Song As I wrote this, I kept getting that song by Barenaked Ladies, One Week, going through my head. I have been working on the bassline for that song. My kid introduced the song to me some years back and just recently I thought about learning it. I’m very close. Estimating I have a […]
The Product Development Hike. You won’t read far in product development, where product road map analogy (or actuality) is brought up. Recently, I saw a tweet (is it still called tweet, or is it an X) from @CGLambdin. I wish I had captured the tweet for posting here, but I recall it was about the […]
I usually have little problem writing. I write multiple columns at technical and business magazines per month; I have a book or books in the queue at any given time. This has taken much longer than I had hoped, but for days, my mind raced. I ran through many Jimmy Buffett experiences and have never […]
People are Human I realize this piece is likely, nearly certainly, to ruffle some feathers. That is not my intention for sure. We have written on the impediments to us seeing things truly as it is. There are many cognitive biases that may plague us. In fact, we dedicated an entire section in our latest […]
Once Upon a Time I worked while I was acquiring my undergraduate engineering degree, hell, I worked while getting all three of my degrees. My undergraduate was especially interesting, in that I did not have a mass of skills so my work was not a high-paying gig. I am grateful for the job, but there […]
Sergeant York – and Old Homesteads Gatlinburg Area Recently, over the Memorial Holiday, Sergeant York, well, more like rewatched it. I recall it from when I was a kid on the old movies channel. Not when it first hit the big (or little) screen mind you. However, I have since then had some experiences that […]