Expectations of Contractors and Engineers Written by Steven G. Lauck & Jon M. Quigley To ensure the team is working from the same set of expectations, we may develop a document or set of documents that describe those expectations. The work below may help you set up your own documentation on the expectations you have […]

I have been speaking at many PMI chapter events in North Carolina this year. I enjoy doing these events, meeting new people, discussing different and new things, and sometimes, being introduced to cool old things.  One such event was the PMI Asheville Chapter where I met some really interesting people including Eric W. Mythical Man […]

By:” Shawn P. Quigley Whereas we have discussed some of the possible flaws in measurements we can all still agree that they are needed to provide both improvement in processes and the organization. However, other aspects of obtaining data for the production of quantifiable information: trend analysis and process evaluation, is the human factor both […]

There is considerable writing on creating and being a team player. There is much more to this than platitudes and poetic prose.  Some time’s the saying team player is preceded by saying you are not being a – team player.  One should especially fear this admonishment or condemnation.  It may not mean you are in […]

Fit Small Business posting on Top 27 Company Culture Ideas from the Pros.  Check out our contribution. The manager must demonstrate what is the epitome of the expected culture. It helps to be egalitarian regarding power in the organization. Your job title should not dampen the discussion or the ideas from the team. I have […]

Saving the Day What is it about running in and saving the day like the old westerns that companies enjoy.  Why is it we value the Herculean effort to correct or fix the result of poor strategy, poor decision, insufficiently staffed, or poor execution? Could we agree that generally is better to get things correct […]

Behavioral Extinction By: Shawn P Quigley and Jon M Quigley Extinction The Dodo, the Tasmanian Tiger and the Carolina Parakeet are extinct.  Extinction; however, does not just apply to animals but can be applied to behavior as well.  In the case of behavioral extinction we will be discussing things and/or actions that make motivation and […]