I recently noticed a LinkedIn post on success and failure that led me to the need to comment. The quote from the article that gave me some consternation: The minute you have a back-up plan, you’ve admitted you’re not going to succeed. ~Elizabeth Holmes Theranos Founder & CEO When I am driving a car, I […]
I have recently had an exchange with Thomas Cagley on LinkedIn in response to an article “The Agile Mindset“. Comments around emotional and organizational maturity were made and Thomas Cagley asked the questions about which one comes first. I said I think emotional maturity must come first. Without the ability to handle the “real” […]
Risks and Communication Management A significant portion of successful project management is due to communication, so it should stand to reason that ineffective communications can be a significant source of project failures. Everything from evoking scope and requirements, prioritizing objectives, to team building requires effective communication. Communication is used in keeping the project team in […]
The Learning Organization We are developing an online class at Value Transformation titled Learning Organization and Project Management. In this class we wed the discipline of project management with the learning organization and motivation. As we work and develop the material we consider opportunities that are available for an organization to grow and become more […]
One of the benefits of agile, at least in theory, is the single product owner. In conventional projects we can have many people in the position of the product sponsor or product owner. These multiple voices can provide contradictions in which our product development team must wade through to determine the real requirements. Experience indicates […]
by Shawn P. Quigley What is ERG? Today we will discuss a theory by Clayton P. Alderfer called the ERG Theory of Motivation. No, Alderfer was not a physicist and ERG in this case is not a unit of energy equal to 10-7 joules. Aldefer is an American psychologist known for his further development of […]
Why is it we see so many problems post launch? Why does our release “hit production” causing the line to stop? Sometimes these happen because it is not possible to get everything just right.
By Shawn P. Quigley Needs According to McClelland We have discussed several different motivational theories and today we will continue that discussion with McClelland’s Needs theory of motivation. The reason we are discussing McClelland’s theory now is that it provides some insight why an employee may become disenchanted with not improving a process that they […]
What is the meaning of conflict and problem? Let us start our discussion today with a few definitions of the words “Conflict” and “Problem”. There are so many definitions and we needed a common starting point to allow for an informative discourse. Conflict is defined by Merriam-Webster as: “A struggle for power, property, etc., strong […]
By Shawn Quigley This blog is inspired by The Fifth Discipline Field Book, published by Double Day – New York, Peter M. Senge copyright 1994 The Learn Organization The five disciplines of a Learning Organization are Team Learning, Personal Mastery, Mental Models, System Thinking, and Shared Vision. With that, let’s look at the items that […]