by Shawn P. Quigley Evolution of Motivational Theories Since the beginning of man’s socialization people have been attempting to understand what motivates an individual or group to act in the manner they do. However, official theories of motivation did not start to develop until the early 1900’s. The first few theories of motivation viewed man […]
Not a Verification Problem I recently had a flash of a project from the past. The project had a fixed delivery date. The project was to deliver a system through iterative and incremental deliveries. Sounds pretty good right? An iterative and incremental delivery of sub systems and components to the verification group in a way […]
Why is it we see so many problems post launch? Why does our release “hit production” causing the line to stop? Sometimes these happen because it is not possible to get everything just right.
By: Jon M Quigley Silver Bullet? NOT! There is no perfect solution to estimating. We can try to read the tea leaves, consult the oracle or use of a divining rod. These are still estimates and have limitations. Story points use proportional mechanisms for estimating, so there must be some foundation from which to work. […]
By Jon M Quigley Project Failure Sometimes, the reason for the project failure has to do with selecting the wrong approach or methodology. For example, there are times when we should choose an agile approach rather than a conventional project management approach. Those of you, who have talked to the staff at Value Transformation, know […]
Joe Dager’s Business901 podcast with Kim L. Robertson Configuration Management Tales #2 The second part of a two part podcast on configuration management tales. If you missed the first part Configuration Management Tales #1 it can be found at
By Jon M. Quigley and Shawn P. Quigley Negative Motivational Lessons Learned We have been spending considerable time on lessons learned and the learning organization. Lessons learned can have various perspectives, personnel, project, and both. We will take a break from the pure project aspect, and consider project and personnel. Lessons learned by personnel can […]
Joe Dager’s Business901 podcast with Jon M. Quigley What Makes Sense in Scrum Projects Scrum Projects and Agile applications beyond software and scrum of scrums.
By Rick Edwards and Shawn P. Quigley How Lessons-Learned apply to the Learning Organization In our previous post, we defined Lessons Learned (LL), and discussed why the practice is so vital to the long-term viability of an organization. Now we will discuss how the disciplines practiced by Learning Organizations can unlock the full potential of […]
Why Lessons Learned are vital to the long-term vitality of organizations To best discuss any topic, we must first establish a common foundation from which to build. Let’s start by defining some key terms: 1. Lesson: an activity that is done in order to learn something; also: something is taught, a single class or part […]