Establishing a PMO – Beyond Dogmatic Approaches

Creating a PMO (Project Management Office) is often seen as a strategic endeavor to streamline organizational project management practices. However, adopting a dogmatic approach to this process can lead to rigidity and inefficiency. In this post, we explore why flexibility and adaptability are crucial in creating a PMO and outline the steps to set up one effectively.

The Pitfalls of Dogmatic Approaches in Creating a PMO

Dogmatic approaches in establishing a PMO often involve strict adherence to traditional methodologies, which might not suit every company’s unique context. This inflexibility can stifle innovation and adaptability, two critical components of successful project management. Moreover, a rigid PMO framework may fail to address specific organizational challenges and opportunities, leading to decreased engagement and suboptimal outcomes.

A Story, A PMO

Dogma is not a recipe for success for PMO creation and development.  A good thing about working in the project management product development environment is that there are plenty of conversations and learning opportunities. The storyteller recalled the company hiring a certified project management person to develop a PMO at this company. This person had the PMP certification and, recounted, had translated the Project Management Institute’s PMBoK (Project Management Book of Knowledge) to a very high degree.

I also hold the PMP certification. However, I understand the PMBoK is a maximum model of project management processes. Adopting the PMBoK wholesale as our organization’s is likely a dogmatic response to the objective of “making a productive PMO.”  The maximum model articulated in the book may have little bearing on our organization.

The story did not delve into why this person adopted the PMI as the articulated approach for this organization’s Project Management Office. It could be attributed to a strong belief in the PMI approach or a reluctance to consider the organization’s specific situation, including talent, in tailoring an approach for its scope assets. However, it’s crucial to understand that successful PMO development requires a comprehensive understanding of the organizational context and talent and a balance between top-down and bottom-up approaches.  Success does not come from a dogmatic approach to the PMO; success, in that case, is mostly luck.

Why Adaptability Matters in Creating a PMO

Creating a PMO should be a dynamic process tailored to an organization’s specific needs and culture. An adaptable PMO can evolve with the changing business environment and technology landscape, ensuring long-term relevance and effectiveness. By prioritizing adaptability, organizations can foster a culture of continuous improvement and resilience, key drivers of project success.

Steps to Creating a PMO

To successfully establish a project management office that transcends dogmatic limitations, follow these essential steps:

Step 1: Assess Organizational Needs

Conduct a thorough assessment of the current project management practices and identify gaps where a PMO can add value. This assessment requires understanding the organization’s strengths and weaknesses.

Step 2: Define PMO Objectives and Scope

Clearly define what the PMO aims to achieve, considering strategic objectives and operational efficiencies.

Step 3: Develop a Flexible PMO Framework

Create an adaptable and scalable framework that can adjust to changes in project scope and business objectives.

Step 4: Secure Stakeholder Support

Engage with key stakeholders to gain support and ensure alignment with broader business goals.

Step 5: Implement PMO Processes and Tools

Deploy appropriate project management tools and processes that enhance efficiency while remaining flexible to changes.

Step 6: Monitor and Adapt PMO Practices

Regularly review the effectiveness of the PMO and make adjustments as necessary to improve functionality and relevance.


Creating a PMO is a strategic initiative that dogmatic methodologies should not bind. By embracing adaptability and tailoring the PMO to the organization’s specific needs, businesses can enhance their project management capabilities and achieve sustainable success.

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Post by Jon Quigley