By Shawn P. Quigley Needs and Motivation – Organization and the Individual In our article “Needs, wants, and motivation” we discussed the correlation between the needs of an organization and that of the individuals who comprise it. This would be an example of “The Macro fit” or job fit as commonly stated in the Human […]

Organizational Learning Differences for the Team and Management (Mental Models) By Shawn P. Quigley In a previous post, we discussed the five principles behind Organizational Learning (L.O.). In this post, we will discuss how the different levels of an organization view the principles and why these different views make it difficult to obtain a learning organization. […]

What is the meaning of conflict and problem? Let us start our discussion today with a few definitions of the words “Conflict” and “Problem”. There are so many definitions and we needed a common starting point to allow for an informative discourse. Conflict is defined by Merriam-Webster as: “A struggle for power, property, etc., strong […]

By Shawn P. Quigley Office Politics is defined as: “(business) (functioning as singular or plural) the ways that power is shared in an organization or workplace, and the ways that it is affected by the personal relationships between the people who work there” (Collins English Dictionary, 2014) Let us first state that Office politics is […]

By Shawn P. Quigley Value Transformation LLC has recently posted several articles on Organizational Learning and Leadership. The reason why we here at Value Transformation have posted these articles are that we want to show how the training and assistance we provide is more than just how to manage a project. Value Transformation LLC believes […]

We will first look at direction based upon perspective. If we assume; not a good thing, we know the current status of our system and base our corrective and/or improvement actions on that, our plans will probably end up with results that are not what we are striving. We must first determine our actual starting point.

By Shawn P. Quigley Previously on Leadership In our last post (Leadership Equation), we discussed an equation for leadership. Using that equation to further our discussion on leadership, we will delve into the two major drivers: Experience and Attitude. Experiences of a Team Member Let us first look into experience. As we can all attest […]

By Shawn P. Quigley There are a lot of new management and leadership jargon out there and perhaps it has always been so. Why? Did the roles of a leader and/or manager change? What did we do before and why does that no longer apply? Yes, the roles of the leader have changed; many people […]

By Shawn Quigley This blog is inspired by The Fifth Discipline Field Book, published by Double Day – New York, Peter M. Senge copyright 1994 The Learn Organization The five disciplines of a Learning Organization are Team Learning, Personal Mastery, Mental Models, System Thinking, and Shared Vision. With that, let’s look at the items that […]

Recently, on Twitter, I had to express my discontent with the word Pragmatic.  My spontaneous outburst so amazed me that I decided to explore this further.  The definition on[1] is: Of or about a practical point of view or practical considerations Philosophy of or about pragmatism Of or about pragmatics Treating historical phenomena with […]