Accountability and Dependencies. There is much ballyhoo over accountability. Accountability is very important as without responsibility and accountability a project or an organization will never survive let alone thrive. There are times when we push for accountability; however, and few of the prerequisites for the accountability are not met. I am writing specifically accountability as […]
The blog “Testers Do Not Break the Product” was posted on LinkedIn and there were considerable responses and exchanges. In an effort to continue that same discourse, I post some of that exchange. Many thought the language “breaking”, as did many others, to be unclear or ambiguous. The language in this discussion originates from the […]
We see some company responses to economic downturn are to eliminate staff as if that were the only way to become a viable company once again. We wonder if these companies have some cost improvement methodology behind them that would give their management other options than summarily removal of personnel.
Agile Verification Blog Recollection In our past blog posts we discussed a conventionally executed (staged gate) project with constituent parts (the verification) being executed using agile techniques. We realized we missed some pertinent information in our series post of agile verification in a conventional project. Agile Verification Prediction We talked about the burn up chart based […]
With Agile, Every Day is a Review Day The constant reviews of status of the project activities via daily Agile sprint meeting, provides the mechanism for the latest state of the project. This includes the scrum master and product owner apprised of the situation. I like the analogy of a pilot making course corrections. If […]
Conventional Project The previous two blogs demonstrated a way to employ agile techniques. At the top level the project was executed as a conventional project. The project had gates, a steering committee and numerous schedule layers. The organizational structure is balanced matrix (for the most part). The organization is distributed both by function and geographic […]
Agile Applied to Verification Agile practices can apply to more than just project management approach, or even only to agile projects. The techniques can help line management functions or used in subsections of projects that are otherwise conventionally developed and executed. In the next series of blog posts, we will show how these techniques used […]
Successful product development requires, ultimately, the delivery through manufacturing. After all, we are most likely for profit entity, and even if we were not for profit, in our effort to maximize our resource usage we should act as if we were a for profit. Specifically, we do not squander our available resources. Mass production has […]
By Shawn P. Quigley Office Politics is defined as: “(business) (functioning as singular or plural) the ways that power is shared in an organization or workplace, and the ways that it is affected by the personal relationships between the people who work there” (Collins English Dictionary, 2014) Let us first state that Office politics is […]
By Shawn P. Quigley Value Transformation LLC has recently posted several articles on Organizational Learning and Leadership. The reason why we here at Value Transformation have posted these articles are that we want to show how the training and assistance we provide is more than just how to manage a project. Value Transformation LLC believes […]