Agile Verification – Iterations and Bug Tracking
Agile Verification Blog Recollection
In our past blog posts we discussed a conventionally executed (staged gate) project with constituent parts (the verification) being executed using agile techniques. We realized we missed some pertinent information in our series post of agile verification in a conventional project.
Agile Verification Prediction
We talked about the burn up chart based upon the estimated number of hours / days required to verify the entire system. Additionally, we illustrated the tracking of the faults found during the work.
We failed to adequately demonstrate the loops or iterations of the sprints, as there were multiple iterations of this agile verification activities for this project. This organization practices incremental and iterative product development even if the organization employs stage gate project management mechanisms.
Not only do we monitor the rate of execution per test loop, but we also track the issues found during the testing of the iterations. We are also able monitor the rate of defects witnessed across iterations. The sum of the faults found in the iteration is then tracked so we see how the product matures. The first prototype (Proto 1) is actually a few iterations of small builds. Starting with the second prototype, the 6 week sprint duration is employed. Prior to that, the scope was handled the same way (list did not change) but there was no time window identified.