You are in college now, and you see people that are likely smart as far as youth will provide. Everybody can have strong “opinions” and perhaps their track record in high school has been one of success after success or being the person known to be knowledgeable – as far as high school topics go. […]
We have been exploring the connection between the learning organization, organization development and project management, in fact, if you visit the Learning Organization training area you will find the class that ties these concepts together with project management. In this exploration we have reviewed some of our favorite works by Peter Senge, The […]
I was what was referred to later as a latch key kid. I was not aware of this term until long after I was through high school. My dad was in the Special Forces during the Vietnam War and stationed all over the United States. Any army dependent will tell you this is how it works, […]
In an earlier blog post, we compared the WBS Dictionary to the Agile Definition of Done. However, we never reviewed any connection between conventional project management Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and the decomposition of the product backlog to produce the sprint backlog. Before we can describe what completion of the item looks like, we must first […]
I was exploring twitter as I sometimes do in the morning when I came upon this interesting post. It is true, to paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, waterfall is waterfall and agile is agile, and never the twain shall meet[1]. So? The goal of any project is to successfully deliver the objectives of that project and […]
The Manufacturing Innovation Network Breakfast went great last week. Nearly all of the seats were full, and there was a plentiful of discussion afterward. The discussion was about the role of automation in the not so distant future. We talked about how automation and drones are now even working in the fields. Robots came about due […]
Technical documentation serves as a repeatable communications medium. That is, written so that anybody reading with the appropriate competency will come away with the same conclusion. Not filling this gap or relying upon verbal communications has great limitations. Many of us have likely played that game as children where a group of people line up […]
This area of CMMI requirements management has big implications on the project. Experience suggests project managers can get lost in the minutia of the work, but that is the connection to the project. The reason we have taken on the project is to produce some result that is defined (or it should be) in the requirements. […]
Continuous Deliver and Embedded Automotive I have worked on projects that employed continuous delivery for embedded products. The embedded product was an automotive component. The core of the software (the operating system) was specified using conventional approach. This operating system consisted of the maximum model requirements for this globally used component. The component looked and […]
Learning and Morbidity & Mortality I have been watching a hospital type show. That show demonstrated something called a Morbidity and Mortality (M&M) Conference and it occurred to me that some adaptation of this approach would help organizations to bring the learning from the work to the entire company. Learning and Conventional Projects We have […]