Time boxed or time boxing is when we have a hard fixed time around the activity we are undertaking. For example, we may decide that our team is allowed a fixed amount of time to plan or estimate. A meeting has a fixed duration and done effectively an agenda that further breaks down the time […]
Simultaneous work and an Agile Approach There are ways to divide the work up using an agile approach. This can get complicated for distributed teams but for teams that are on the same site the challenge is greatly reduced. We once worked on an embedded development project for an electronic control unit on a vehicle. […]
We have long taken the position that a discussion of scrum and conventional project methods should not be combative or mutually exclusive. Both of these approaches have something to offer. Each has strengths that when mapped to your organization and situation, can improve your chances of a successful project delivery. It is even possible to […]
Joe Dager’s Business901 podcast with Jon M. Quigley What Makes Sense in Scrum Projects Scrum Projects and Agile applications beyond software and scrum of scrums.
Recently, on Twitter, I had to express my discontent with the word Pragmatic. My spontaneous outburst so amazed me that I decided to explore this further. The definition on dictionary.com[1] is: Of or about a practical point of view or practical considerations Philosophy of or about pragmatism Of or about pragmatics Treating historical phenomena with […]
Cell phones and Laptops, Tools – or the Distraction to Success Ever think your not getting the most out of your team due to distraction. The greatest invention perhaps is the smart phone. Now it is easy to check all of our email accounts, text message our friends, post on Facebook, blurt on Twitter, connect […]
I know this is way off topic; however I thought we should post this. Below is a letter my brother and I sent to the Veterans Administration. Our father was in the Special Forces and served multiple tours in Vietnam. The US has been in wars for decades now, and we do not know the […]