By Shawn P. Quigley Value Transformation LLC has recently posted several articles on Organizational Learning and Leadership. The reason why we here at Value Transformation have posted these articles are that we want to show how the training and assistance we provide is more than just how to manage a project. Value Transformation LLC believes […]

We will first look at direction based upon perspective. If we assume; not a good thing, we know the current status of our system and base our corrective and/or improvement actions on that, our plans will probably end up with results that are not what we are striving. We must first determine our actual starting point.

By Shawn P. Quigley Previously on Leadership In our last post (Leadership Equation), we discussed an equation for leadership. Using that equation to further our discussion on leadership, we will delve into the two major drivers: Experience and Attitude. Experiences of a Team Member Let us first look into experience. As we can all attest […]

By Shawn P. Quigley Leadership Behavioral Equation (as if it were that easy) We have previously discussed there is no single model that can capture leadership and management in all instances.  However, we can extract some major principles that are required for success.  With that in mind, let us dive into Kurt Lewin’s behavior equation. […]

By Shawn P. Quigley Introduction: In this blog, we will be discussing Situational, Transformational, and Transactional styles relating to leadership style and group dynamics. We will start with defining each leadership style and then look at that style for guiding a group to success. Upon completion of assessing each style of leadership, we will attempt […]

What is concurrent engineering? Concurrent engineering is when activities are paralleled that could be sequenced. Concurrent engineering can help us deliver the product earlier since we have compressed the schedule by overlapping the various development activities.  There are certain risks associated with this way of working. To be successful and not incur massive rework, it […]

Recently, on Twitter, I had to express my discontent with the word Pragmatic.  My spontaneous outburst so amazed me that I decided to explore this further.  The definition on[1] is: Of or about a practical point of view or practical considerations Philosophy of or about pragmatism Of or about pragmatics Treating historical phenomena with […]

By Kim Robertson and Jon M. Quigley Leveraged Innovation Logistics Mike and Akio had been invited to one of the Genesis Test Equipment logistic repair depot by Lina Hendrik, the facility manager to discuss an idea she had regarding retrofit of a discontinued product line still widely used in an automotive niche market segment. As […]

The project organization should use the Configuration Management process to script the project and product growth – instead of just the version control. In this way the product content is adjusted formally from the learning that should have happened in the prior work.