First of all, I hate the word human resources for our employees.  This verbiage starts the discussion as if people were fungible.  That people, their talents, aspirations, motivation and capability are identical. That is simply not true.  I just got out of a discussion with a company that left me feeling hopeful.  After working in […]

Recently I was talking with a company that has achieved the level 3 (defined) CMMI from the Software Engineering Institute that provides a measure of an organizations maturity and capability.  During this conversation, I had a flash to another company that had aspirations of being a level 3 but could never make it beyond their […]

  Some companies offer perks to their employees, a reward for sticking out with the company.  After all, in some cases the company invests considerable time and money into employee development. The company may pay to move them.  The company will spend some money on training the employee in the ways of the organization.  I […]

 The Learning Organization We are developing an online class at Value Transformation titled Learning Organization and Project Management.  In this class we wed the discipline of project management with the learning organization and motivation.  As we work and develop the material we consider opportunities that are available for an organization to grow and become more […]

In Project Management One size does not fit all. Product development and project management can be very complex and complicated with variations and permutations that make a prescriptive approach impossible to produce successful results.  That goes for any brand or type of project management.  What is important is to have an arsenal of skills, tools […]

By Shawn P. Quigley Leadership Equation From our previous discussion you may remember the leadership equation: B= f {(Exp3) (A2) (DL) (T)} { f (P2)(GB+GTX)(WC)}. Which was derived from Lewin’s equation of B=f (P,E), (Lewin, 1936). Since we have discussed all of these concepts before it is time to work toward understanding their interrelations. Personal […]

 by Shawn P. Quigley Evolution of Motivational Theories Since the beginning of man’s socialization people have been attempting to understand what motivates an individual or group to act in the manner they do.  However, official theories of motivation did not start to develop until the early 1900’s.  The first few theories of motivation viewed man […]

by Shawn P. Quigley What is ERG? Today we will discuss a theory by Clayton P. Alderfer called the ERG Theory of Motivation. No, Alderfer was not a physicist and ERG in this case is not a unit of energy equal to 10-7 joules. Aldefer is an American psychologist known for his further development of […]