Quality Management

Quality management is the collection of practices the organization employs to meet the customer’s quality expectations. There are techniques and tools used to deliver a cost-effective quality product. This includes quality control, quality assurance, quality improvement, and quality planning. Product reliability is the quality of the product over time, and Total Quality Management is a comprehensive approach to continuous quality improvement.

Quality Management - Value Transformation

Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management is an approach to management that is an incremental improvement philosophy of inclusion.  Every member of the company contributes to the quality, and improving the quality improves the cost structure and reduces waste. Total Quality Management has a process associated often referred to as PDCA – or Plan, Do, Check, Act or PDSA -Plan Do Study Act along with tools of varying degrees of sophistication to understand what is happening with the process and devise corrective or improvement actions accordingly.

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is the set of activities we do to prevent errors and defects throughout the product development and manufacturing processes. Quality assurance consists of a planned and systematic approach with the goal of ensuring that the product or service meets the defined requirements.

Software Quality

Software quality is secured using the discipline of software engineering. Software quality typically refers to the fidelity of the software to the requirements and performance expectations of the customer. This consists of techniques for driving out defects through the development process and includes specific techniques for testing the software structure.

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is the set of activities we do to prevent errors and defects throughout the product development and manufacturing processes. Quality assurance consists of a planned and systematic approach with the goal of ensuring that the product or service meets the defined requirements.

Quality Control

Quality control consists of the set of techniques and activities employed to prevent mistakes and errors. This includes employee skill development, work instructions and process documentation and a focus on testing are used to ensure a suitable quality of output or outcome.

Quality Management

Quality Management - Value Transformation

Quality management is the practices the organization employs to meet the customer quality expectation. There are techniques and tools used to deliver a cost-effective quality product. This includes quality control, quality assurance, quality improvement, and quality planning. Product reliability is the quality of the product over time, and Total Quality Management is a comprehensive approach to continuous quality improvement.


Quality management is the practices the organization employs to meet the customer quality expectation. There are techniques and tools used to deliver a cost-effective quality product. This includes quality control, quality assurance, quality improvement, and quality planning. Product reliability is the quality of the product over time, and Total Quality Management is a comprehensive approach to continuous quality improvement.

Quality management – a set of tools and techniques used to ensure that the organization delivers a consistent product or service. Quality management consists of quality planning, quality assurance, quality control and quality improvement.

    1. https://asq.org/
    2. https://www.iso.org/home.html
    3. https://www.deming.org/
    4. https://www.qualitycouncil.com/
    5. http://www.quality.org/
    6. https://www.irqs.co.in/
    7. http://www.eoq.org/home.html
    8. https://baldrigefoundation.org/

Total Quality Management Tools for PM

Influencers Part IV – Quality

Nice discussion with Reine Kassulker on the tools and techniques for ensuring project and product quality

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