- (+1) 336-484-1528
- Jon.Quigley@ValueTransform.com
Value Transformation, LLC © 2023 | www.WebDesignShop.us
Value Transformation, LLC © 2023 | www.WebDesignShop.us
Value Transformation LLC offers a variety of training approaches to developing your team. In all instances, concrete objectives are identified. For non-custom training, those objectives are identified in the course catalog along with duration and prerequisites. We use well-defined rubrics, formative assessments to gauge the present level of skill, and summative assessments to ascertain the final degree of ability.
We have a process driven approach to learning. We couple the theoretical with the actual world and do not just work from the lectern but have games and exercises that help drive the learning. Where possible we demonstrate, then guided practice, they are there when the student works through the using the skill or technique solo or in teams.
Check out our course catalog or visit the download section of the website.
Value Transformation provides coaching for your managers and key technical staff in specific product management or project management areas (see our specialty topics) or in the context of the organization and the work being done. This includes Scrum team development or on specific projects to grow the talent and improve the outcomes along the way. It need not be project based but can be functional based, for example, development of the product testing and verification group.
Coaching is designed to facilitate the growth in capabilities in one person, a specific team, or a specific department and can be a short or long-term endeavor and is flexible in scheduling. The time can be fixed per week, or per month or as needed. We can coach from on site, our preferred way, or a combination of on-site and virtual methods.
Coaching can also take the form of assistance with developing your agile or scrum teams. The Value Transformation staff have experience using scrum for embedded software projects as well as adaptations to the line management with great increases in efficacy. A short, non-exhaustive list of the areas upon which we can coach is found below.
Value Transformation LLC is available for speaking events on many business, team building, project and product management topics. From technical to organizational development and motivational speaking, we have the talent with a demonstrated track record available for your event.
The fact that the Value Transformation Team members have decades and a variety of experience places them in the position to see how a collection of subsystems (product management, project management, and business) interact to produce the desired results along with some unintended consequences. This ability to see the forest and the trees and make analogies of technical concepts to easily understood events ensures that people will walk away having learned something while being entertained. In general, the topic areas upon which we consult and teach are also fodder for speaking events, though not exclusively so.
With mentoring a Value Transformation member will support a specific member of your team to develop the competencies and capabilities of that team member. This is a one on one connection between one of our team members and your talent. The selection of our personnel will be based on technical capacity and availability, or on request.
The focus of the mentoring can cover a range of topics. The duration may be fixed, and the topics can be varied, unlike coaching which is singular focus. The topic areas upon which we mentor range from project management to product management and line management. Typically, this mentoring will be one topic, but not exclusively, or on just one part of the topic, for example, Configuration Identification activities.
Value Transformation consults on the topics that we provide training (product development, manufacturing, product management and project management topics) and much more. Consultations can be direct or on your site, or remotely via telephone, Skype or other media. In either approach, our staff will work as a team member providing years of hard acquired experience into your team building capability along the way.
Consulting will often consist of onsite work collaborating with your team along with offsite work to develop strategies or to perform analysis of data acquired from your team and organization. Consulting duration can be fixed, based upon achieving a specific metric driven objective, or the contents of a statement of work.
Quick problem solving is like consulting work, however, may require a more active role by Value Transformation staff. These are less scheduled and more subject to needs as a circumstance presents itself. It can be specific process failures or product failures from which containment, root cause, and quick recovery are necessary. Value transformation will augment your existing team to determine the root cause of the situation and propose corrective actions as well as mitigating actions, acting like a tiger team to resolve the problem.
For example, perhaps you have quality issues you would like to explore. We can use our Total Quality Management expertise to help identify the possible sources of the malady, then we can lead specific A3 or 8D root cause analysis work to determine the root cause. We can then work with your team or solo to proffer specific solutions. This service does not process specific but applies also to product failures which may be due to environmental contaminants or stimulus. Our team members can help explore and understand the nature of the failure to determine the corrective action that could take place to eliminate or remediate.
The exploration may require some physical testing to test the hypothesis, we can help by specifying those tests and, in some instances, conduct. This exploration is not limited to the product but also to the manufacturing line where tools like Total Quality Management techniques can be used to assist in discovering specific improvement areas.
Value Transformation LLC offers a variety of training approaches to developing your team. In all instances, concrete objectives are identified. For non-custom training, those objectives are identified in the course catalog along with duration and prerequisites. We use well-defined rubrics, formative assessments to gauge the present level of skill, and summative assessments to ascertain the final degree of ability.
We have a process driven approach to learning. We couple the theoretical with the actual world and do not just work from the lectern but have games and exercises that help drive the learning. Where possible we demonstrate, then guided practice, they are there when the student works through the using the skill or technique solo or in teams.
Check out our course catalog or visit the download section of the website.